The Magic in You

Posted on Dec 21, 2018 in Uncategorized, Wellness Blog

The Magic in You

When I was a child this is what it looked like this time of the year in the early morning or even during the full moon.

Ok, so there weren’t massive planets poking up beyond the bare snow-covered trees but it FELT like huge planets were there!  Magic was in every inch of our Vermont fields transformed by cold and snow.  I knew one of those crows would fly over and speak to me.

Today, Friday, 12/21/18 is the shortest day of the year & the longest night. Trees, plants and animals have ebbed and slowed, resting, gathering strength for the new year’s magical dance of Life again.  Under the earth, plants are preparing to germinate, waiting for the return of the Sun’s warmth.

The Rhythm of Life is in everything and you are in it’s embrace.  Allow yourself to take moments this weekend during the Solstice & Full Moon(!) to pause and feel the Magic in You.

Rest, Rejuvenate and Realign with Healing Time
for Yourself and the Ones You Love

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The Clearing – 1 hr 30 mins         $120
The Virtual Vacation – 2 hrs plus footbath       $150

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“I’ve felt such a sense of lightness and clarity since the body work you did last week. I’ve been able to confront some situations at work and stand up for myself, where before I was holding a lot of feelings and discomfort inside of me. Thank you for your healing and teaching me ways that I can strengthen and heal myself!” 
– Alyssa P., Architect